Why Can I Never Do My Homework
I've always been quite a good student, never getting anything below a B, but for the past year I haven't handed in a single assignment on time. I always procrastinate by going on Facebook and Youtube and end up starting my homework at around 1am by which time I'm far too tired to make a good attempt at. I've always been quite a good student, never getting anything below a B, but for the past year I haven't handed in a single assignment on time. I always procrastinate by going on Facebook and Youtube and end up starting my homework at around 1am by which time I'm far too tired to make a good attempt at it.
Best forex broker peace. How to Find Motivation to Do Homework. Very few students like to do homework and almost everyone seems to put it off. After all, why start your work now when you can watch another episode of your favorite TV show? Usually, the problem.
I then lie and make excuses to my teachers the next day and hand it in a week later. It's not that the homework is too difficult or demanding that I can't do it. Why is this happening?
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Why Can I Never Do My Homework Work
Do I have a disorder or something? I'm always alert during lessons and perform quite well in exams. I was honestly the same way this year, my best advice is to write it in your agenda and cross it out as you do it, if you can the days you have less homework catch up on the next nights homework. Some computers let you block Facebook, and a lot of times I say okay let me get this and this done then I can spend (However much time) on Facebook then I'll do this and so on, also get somebody to ask you everyday if you did your homework that way you can't forget and you'll have a little more motivation. Hope I helped(. Had this same problem. Called procrastinating.